Multi-Family Housing Compliance


SB 1383 requires that multifamily complexes of five units or more are required select one of the two following options:

  1. Subscribe to and participate in their jurisdiction’s organics curbside collection service
  2. Self-haul organic waste to a specified composting facility, community composting program, or other collection activity or program.

Orange County multifamily housing entities may be subject to AB 341 statewide mandatory recycling of non-organic material based on the amount of waste generated. Check the definitions and requirements below to determine if your dwelling is subject to regulations and how to best meet compliance.  

Multifamily housing subject to AB 341 recycling requirements are identified as dwellings consisting of five or more units, which generate at least four cubic yards of combined solid waste.

4 cubic yard

Property managers or owners are required to: 

  • Separate recyclables from solid waste AND 

  • Arrange for separate collection or subscribe to recycling services from your local waste hauler 

  • If you do not subscribe to recycling services from your waste hauler, you must notify the County (if dwelling is in unincorporated area) of your alternate method of recycling. Dwellings located in non-unincorporated areas should contact their City Recycling Coordinator located here to report alternate recycling options. 

For More Information: 

CalRecycle provides detailed regulation information at the following link: 

Mandatory Commercial Recycling of Non-organics (AB 341) Frequently Asked Questions 

The Recycling Partnership has created easy to use customizable templates to aid multifamily complex owners in compliance. To view the templates, CLICK HERE.

Cal Recycle Education/Outreach Tool Kit, which provides customizable materials for jurisdictions to aid in AB 341 and AB 1826 can be found HERE.